Thursday 23 March 2017

Robot Wars S9 - Week 4 Analysis

Last week's episode wasn't short on spinners, but this week's is utterly packed with them. We have grand finalists Pulsar, and their terrifying drum. We have Ironside 3 and Apex, two ferocious bar spinners, and newcomers Frostbite, a slightly less ferocious bar spinner. We have veterans Supernova, now with a redesigned flywheel, and HIGH-5, a SMIDSY clone with an interchangeable spinning drum. No matter what happens, I can tell you one thing for sure: at least one of these robots isn't making it out in one piece.

Friday 17 March 2017

Robot Wars S9 - Week 3 Analysis

It's gonna have to go some to top last week's drama, but Week 3 has a pretty solid line-up. Last year's wildcard Grand Finalist Thor returns, along with Foxic and MR Speed Squared, two of the machines it beat last year; all three have been completely rebuilt and look far tougher than before. There's also a trio of spinners with interesting gimmicks, a group of newcomers with an impressive-looking drum spinner... and Chimera.

Friday 10 March 2017

Robot Wars S9 - Week 2 Analysis

I thought about doing post-heat analysis, but let's stick with what I know for now. On to Heat 2, then, which sees the return of Eruption and PP3D, two of the losers from last year's Heat of Death, as well as Robot Wars stalwarts Behemoth. There's also a new robot from the former owners of Dantomkia, and Robot Wars' first-ever eggbeater. What's an eggbeater, I hear you cry? Read on and find out!

Friday 3 March 2017

Robot Wars S9 - Week 1 Analysis

With Series 9 just on the horizon, it's time to start looking at each week's robots and seeing how they stack up. Last year, I posted these weekly predictions on my Facebook profile, but this year, I'm posting them for the world to see. There's no way that can go wrong.

Anyway, Week 1 sees the return of Grand Finalists Team Shock, with a frightening new machine, as well as former Grand Finalists Terrorhurtz. There are only two new machines in this heat, but they couldn't be any more different.